Meet Annissa Cheyne

Annissa Cheyne 🍥 Sweet Wheat Bakeshop, Owner & Sugar Lover 📍Saskatchewan, Canada

What inspired you to start your business?

Annissa Cheyne, Owner & Sugar Lover

I believe that I was born to bake! My grandmothers were both amazing bakers and coincidentally, my mom’s last name is ‘Sweet’. That, combined with the farming community that I was born and raised in, lead me to the perfect name for my business - Sweet Wheat Bakeshop.

I actually found baking by accident! I always loved helping my mom decorate mine and my siblings homemade birthday cakes growing up, but being from such a tiny town, I never knew that baking was a career path. I went off to university pursuing pharmacy, was failing ALL my chemistry classes, and took a basic beginner cake decorating course in the meantime. From then on, I started posting order after order from my dorm room, and eventually switched to getting a business degree. I don’t know where I would be without those basic beginner classes, so since then, I made it a goal to teach workshops and share what I love with others. Seeing how edible art can brighten someone’s day and being apart of their special life moments and milestones, is the best feeling in the world. I was hooked!

Let's hear a little more about you, Annissa. What’s your story?

Over the years I have entered every local charity competition I possibly could have (where I am from, there aren’t professional level competitions!). I have placed first or at the top in all of those, ranging from cake decorating to cupcake competitions, and giant gingerbread builds.

I proudly placed 2nd at my first ever international competition at The America’s Cake Fair hosted by Satin Ice in 2015. My competition piece made it through 3 plane rides, just for me to accidentally drop it at the front doors of the competition venue. It’s a fun story to tell now, but back then, not so much!

My proudest accomplishments have to be the opportunity to compete on Food Network. I got my first big break as team lead in 2019 when we won The Big Bake and our episode of Frosty Friends. And mostly recently, winning Holiday Baking Championship: Gingerbread Showdown with one of my best baking friends, Justine. From cakes, to gingerbread, if I could just win a cookie show now, my life would be complete!

In 2023, I’m incredibly honored and excited to be a teacher at Cookie Con in Ohio. I can’t wait to meet more people from the industry!

Gaining traction from word of mouth, I’ve also had the pleasure of regular morning news segments with my friends at CTV and Global News. In addition to TV, I’ve also had the odd interview with CBC radio and other radio stations in our province.

Connect with Annissa online:




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Cydni N. Mitchell (aka Cyd) is a Bakery Consultant and the Sweet Business Coach behind Sweet Fest®. Based in Atlanta, GA, Sweet Fest® is an online company that supports the business needs of the Sweet Community in the areas of professional development, marketing, branding and web design.

By trade, Cyd is an accountant & financial analyst with a Masters from the Kenan-Flagler Business School at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She is the Founder of the Sugar Coin Academy, an online business academy for business owners in the baking and sweets industry, and she is also the organizer of The Ultimate Sugar Show, Georgia’s Largest Annual Baking and Sweets Expo in Atlanta. She is also the Business Blogger for the Retail Bakers of America.


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